NextGen Talent helps students and their advisors identify well-paying jobs and high-value postsecondary programs in their region.


Our Mission

NextGen Talent’s mission is to boost the enrollment of low-income students and students of color in postsecondary programs that lead to well-paying careers. To do this, we partner with college access+success organizations, high schools, and support organizations to deliver innovative career-related services that begin in high school and continue through college to that all-important good first job.

For Too Many Students, a College Education Isn’t Paying Off.

Low-income college graduates earn 50 cents to every dollar earned by middle-income graduates over their lifetime, worsening the racial wealth gap and discouraging enrollment in postsecondary education. LEARN MORE

NextGen Talent Is Changing This.

Our products and services include tools to increase the local labor market literacy of advisors and their students; a postsecondary program finder to easily identify high-value options after high school; training for advisors; and — through our partnership with CareerSpring — access to a professional networking & job placement platform.


Students reached

by our tools, our trained advisors, and
in-classroom curriculum.



Advisors & Counselors Trained

to use our tools to identify high-value postsecondary and career options for their students.



Postsecondary programs

featured in our first-of-its-kind directory of high-value opportunities for students.

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I wish I had NextGen Talent’s tools when I was in high school to help me better understand what kinds of jobs I could get with certain college majors – and their salaries in this region. I feel like I was robbed because I didn’t.
— College Advising Corps-BU Advisor